Posts By scott


Right then – so it’s been about a month since my last post. I’ll fix that now and apologize for being gone. Travel, family, life-excuses etc. Should be back on the road with the photos now.

catching up

Spring, and time for flowers



This one sneaked up on me. Sometimes a shot will do that – I didn’t think much of it when I took the picture, but then the little LCD screen doesn’t always show the best details.




Kroger has whole chicken at .89 a pound right now, so it’s stock making time. And probably chicken salad, chicken sandwiches, chicken wraps, chicken…. right. All week? Thank goodness for the freezer. I filled the pitcher with stock, set it on the counter to cool and to let the fat rise for skimming, then noticed the afternoon sun made it glow.



ISO 400 1/250 at f/9 and 77mm

Same theme

Along the same lines as Monday’s post – more of the sunshine on red walls.



Protective container

I let out a long sigh when the caller asked if we can handle 1/2″ tape in our digital lab. Yes… well, probably. Also, folks can confuse audio with video tape, confuse different types of 1/2″ tape. There are multiple challenges with a tape that’s not been played in 35 years….

Add another challenge: the manufacturer’s advice for users of this video, just out of frame in the picture, is to “Always store videotape in the protective container when not in use.” The result (35+ years later) of heeding that advice is below: the “protective” container has deteriorated, shedding bits of foam and plastic all over this tape. In media archiving, it’s all about migrating to new media before your format is orphaned, or before it falls apart…




Despite my complaining about winter, cold temperatures and the like, the sun did at least show up today. Not for too long, but just long enough that I got this shot.

kitchen shadows


ISO 400 f/6.3 at 1/100, 70mm


As I await Spring here in the frozen tundra, I’m combing the archives to grab a photo from the past to fill a bit of space here. It’s so dang cold outside….

red fingers



I’m so impressed with the tech support I received at Telestream today I’m putting it here for Google to find. We use Episode in our digital lab for heavy-duty, multiple-file encoding and transcoding audio/video work. Big computers, terabytes of data… hugely fun geeky stuff.

Linda at their tech support center called me right back after I left a message, had an answer (that worked!), and then helped me tune the software a little better for even faster compression. Now that is great customer service. Thanks Telestream, and thanks Linda!

barbed wire

Funny what you remember about taking some shots – I remember using the brim on my hat to cover the barbed wire on top of the fence. I’d climbed up on a post and had to lean out over a fence (topped with said wire) to get this shot.

Herman’s own
